Amazon DSP – A Tactical Approach To Building Audiences: Retargeting Audiences
March 08, 2021
Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP) has developed into an unmatchable force in 2020. Advertisers can now optimize their brand campaigns using the purchasing behavior of Amazon’s own customers. The days of search box focused campaigns are no more. Not for you, anyway. With the plethora of Amazon Audience data, DSP has the capability to leverage awareness, consideration, purchases, and loyal audiences to turn the entire advertising marketplace into a full conversion funnel for you.
In order to customize an advertising campaign in the growing marketplace, there are several aspects to focus on to make the most of your brand experience. We want to figure out how you would like to use DSP to your advantage.
Blueprints are available to fit your specified audiences. With several new options available there are strategies to consider for any brand. For instance, consumers who once viewed a product can be reminded about it by being shown similar products. Those browsing certain brand categories regularly within your desired market and lifestyle brand can be matched to your product. Customers who are familiar with your brand and already purchased your product can be targeted by loyalty campaigns, with the goal of becoming subscribers.
DSP gives your brand the ability to reference other products in relation to your own in many new ways. Specifically, find products in categories that relate to your own and gain their audience.
Retargeting an audience is a key strategy that is possible by referencing sales cycles. Reintroducing customers into your sales funnel is a key angle that should be implemented to maximize the potential of your campaign. Analyzing your own dataset can determine if you sell to impulse buyers, or if you sell products that have longer sales cycles. By choosing a lookback window that makes sense you can expose your product campaign to a segment of consumers based on purchase cycles and repurchase behaviors. Consumers will repurchase bubble gum in a shorter cycle than a car. Knowing how much time your customer base spends between making a purchase makes a huge difference in the importance of the retargeting ad campaign. Select anywhere from 14 to 30 days if you’re unsure of your sales cycle. From the time consumers viewed your product page, you can target up to 180 days. Keep in mind, in 180 days a lot of consumers may have lost interest, purchased a competitor’s product, or already purchased one of your products.
Knowing your customer’s place in the purchasing cycle is essential. When casting this net to catch consumers who have recently viewed your products, exclude customers who have recently made a purchase in your retargeting ad campaign.
To retarget audiences and achieve the desired viewership on your product page, it is important to weave a net that catches consumers in the midst of a sale cycle and remind them they were once considering your brand. Making sure to gain an audience that has viewed similar products to yours but not yet purchased from you or your competitor will help make sure you get the most out of a new advertising campaign with DSP.
Keep an eye out for our next segment when we dive deep into DSP in-market audiences!