Content Strategy

Cross-platform Marketing Analytics Available NOW!

Your data tells a story. We are the voice of your data. We are your (Point)story tellers.

What is this??

We perform analytics that blend Amazon Advertising events along with your own .com datasets to tell your brand’s customer journey story and performance across platforms.

Why is this important?

This allows brands to answer high level business questions with newly accessible datapoints such as:

  1. How effective are my non-branded campaigns at driving branded searches?
  2. What are the attributes of the audiences that engaged with my ads?
  3. How effective are my new-customer acquisition advertising strategies?
  4. How does the number of served impressions affect engagement and conversions?

More Details:

Powerful Deep Analytics

We use SQL and build custom queries to answer high level business questions with actionable datapoints.

Cross-Media Insights

Conduct analysis with event-level data sets across video, audio, display, and search to gain a holistic and in-depth understanding of the customer journey.

Privacy First Data Environment

  • Your data belongs to you and you only. Not even Amazon can access your data. This program allows you to access aggregated, anonymous outputs to ensure privacy.

Send me an email ( we can help you discover what your data is telling you about your business.